Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Anne Fandel acfandel@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4755 Math and Sciences
Carol Ann Huber ahuber@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4240 Math and Sciences
Abigail Lockwood alockwood@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4020 Math and Sciences
James England kengland@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
Shaun Williams sawilliams@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
Jana Bennett jbennett@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
Andrea Marble amarble@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4240 Math and Sciences
Joseph Dycus jdycus@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4268 Math and Sciences
Brian Phillips Not Available 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
Torri Clay tclay@egitimmalta.com 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
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